Idaho Beans
Idaho grows a variety of different beans including fresh garden beans and many types of dry edible beans.
Garden beans, also known as green, snap, or string beans are harvested in Idaho from July through September. Green beans are both delicious and nutritious. They are an excellent source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, fiber, and more.

Idaho Dry Beans
Idaho grows 10 varieties of dry beans including Pinto, Kidney, Red, Small White, Cranberry, Navy, Light Red, Great Northern, Black, and Pink. Most of Idaho’s dry bean production comes from Idaho’s south-central region. Idaho dry edible beans are available year-round.
Fun Facts about Idaho Beans
Beans are recognized as central to the development of civilization in a wide variety of ways, including as a critical source of protein, and as cattle feed.
Ancient Egyptians, long before King Tut, grew beans on a large scale.