Boise Farmers Market
The Boise Farmers Market provides a new standard for Farmers Markets in the Treasure Valley.
The Boise Farmers Market supports a regenerative, healthy food and agricultural system by operating a vibrant marketplace featuring locally grown and crafted products. Operating April thru October

- Locally grown foods sold by the farmer. A wide assortment of foods and agricultural products are offered.
- Value added products with a local emphasis. Customers can expect on-site food, specialty foods, and other value added items to contain as much locally grown produce and protein as possible.
- Accountability to the customer. All goods sold at the Boise Farmers Market are grown or made by the vendor.
- Information about local food and farming issues. The Boise Farmers Market is a place where the public can learn about relationship of local food and farms to our health, our economy, and our culture.
- Growing new farmers. Through an innovative partnership between established farmers and those exploring the occupation, The Boise Farmers Market helps ensure our local food supply.
- Sustainability and community resilience. The Boise Farmers Market focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same through its operation and community partnerships.